Eye Exams in Birmingham, AL
Routine eye exams at our practices are an essential part of maintaining healthy vision and identifying eye problems. Yearly eye exams have been recommended as a standard for good ocular health.
A comprehensive, dilated eye exam, is performed in order to look for common vision problems and eye diseases, many of which have no early warning. In a dilated eye exam, the pupils widen, giving your eye doctor a clearer view of the retina and optic nerve.
The Eye Doctors at VisionFirst Eye Center provide the following eye exams and treatments:
- Diabetic Eye Exams
- Plaquenil Eye Exams
- Macular Degeneration
- Dry Eye
- Children’s Eye Exams
- LASIK Evaluation
- Corneal Transplants
- Glaucoma Evaluation and Treatment
- Cataract Evaluation
- High Blood Pressure Eye Exams
- Eye Injuries
- Infections and Pain
- Contact Lens Fittings