How Do I Know If I Need Laser Cataract Surgery?

Is your vision blurry? Do you find it more challenging to drive at night due to glare and halos? These are some of the common signs of having a cataract. Most people will eventually develop cataracts as a result of aging. With age, proteins inside the eye break down and clump together on your lens,… Read More
iStent Treatment for Glaucoma during Cataract Surgery
iSTENT INJECT® Treatment for Glaucoma during Cataract Surgery by Carolyn B. Hebson, MD VisionFirst Eye Center is proud to offer the iStent inject® which is FDA approved for the treatment of mild to moderate glaucoma in conjunction with cataract surgery. The iStent inject® is next-generation technology and an improvement of the original iStent which has… Read More
Three Things Patients Should Know About Cataracts
Approximately 25 million Americans have cataracts, which causes cloudy, blurry or dim vision and often develops with advancing age. This June, VisionFirst Eye Center joins the American Academy of Ophthalmology in observing Cataract Awareness Month by sharing three things everyone should know about the condition and its treatment. As everyone grows older, the lenses of… Read More
The Ins and Outs of Cataract Surgery
Is your vision getting cloudy? Are you having trouble seeing at night because of glare? Are you needing more light for reading? You may be developing cataracts. A cataract develops when the lens in the eye become cloudy, making eyesight blurry and distorted. By the age of 80, more than half of all Americans have… Read More