Workplace Eye Wellness Month

March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month as designated by the American Academy of Ophthalmology. At Vision First Eye Center, we want all our patients to understand how to protect their eyes at work. There are risks to your vision whether you are doing industrial work or working at a computer in an office. Keep reading… Read More
Important Things To Know About Age-Related Macular Degeneration

February has been designated as Age-related Macular Degeneration Awareness Month by the American Academy of Ophthalmology. ARMD (or AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in people over age 50. It affects more than 2 million people in the U.S. The staff at Vision First wants to make sure that you understand how to protect… Read More
January Is Glaucoma Awareness Month

Glaucoma is often known as the silent thief of vision because it doesn’t have many symptoms. In most cases, people don’t know they have glaucoma until damage to their vision has already occurred. Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world. It is estimated that several million people in the U.S. have… Read More
Safe Toys and Celebrations Month
December is the time that millions of families have holiday celebrations! Gift-giving is part of those traditions. It is no coincidence that many organizations have named December Safe Toys and Celebrations Month. Don’t let this time of fun and joy turn into a tragedy for your family! Keep reading for some tips to keep this… Read More
How Diabetes Can Affect Your Vision
Many people with diabetes can live long and healthy lives. When high blood sugar levels are not controlled, there can be serious damage. This can happen to the heart, kidneys, feet, ears, and eyes. The key to managing diabetes is through diet, exercise, and taking medications. November is Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month, so it’s… Read More
Best Of Birmingham 2019
Each year, Birmingham Magazine releases the results of its Best of Birmingham poll. This is the who’s who of our city and we’re proud to announce VisionFirst Eye Center won in several categories this year! Keep reading to learn more! Best Ophthalmologist, Dr. Mark Bearman As an ophthalmologist who has performed over twenty-five thousand cataract… Read More
Halloween Safety Month
Halloween should be a fun holiday filled with costumes and treats that all kids can enjoy. Every year at Halloween hundreds of children ends up in the hospital with eye injuries. Take some simple precautions that will keep your kids safe while they have a great Halloween! Street Safety It is safer to take your… Read More
Hello Summer! – 20% OFF SUNGLASSES*
Summertime is here! It is that time of year that we spend a lot of time outdoors at the pool, the beach, hiking, traveling, sporting events, etc. Your eyes need to be protected. Take advantage of our June 20% OFF Sunglasses sale and start protecting your eyes today. Sunglasses are more than just a fashion… Read More
5 Ways Contacts Make Your Beauty Routine Less Fabulous
Whether you’re a minimalist who prefers the au naturel look or you go for glamour at all hours, makeup can present unexpected challenges for contact wearers. Because handling your lenses in and out every day presents opportunities for contamination, it’s important to make sure anything coming in close contact with your eyes is clean and high quality,… Read More
VisionFirst Welcomes Dr. Andrew Ho
VisionFirst is extremely excited to introduce the newest member of their team, Dr. Andrew Ho, who will be seeing patients at our Alabaster location. Dr. Ho specializes in the diagnosis and management of ocular diseases, as well as providing comprehensive eye care for children and adults. Dr. Ho has extensive experience in managing pre… Read More